By Store Type
Just as music permeates every culture and community, Jamtown instruments find their way i to all types of stores and catalogs. By Store Type provides a fast way to browse the items that are frequently chosen by dealers most like yourself. The All Stores category includes the items that are common across stores & generally carry lower price points. These 'Favorites' are the most widely available of our products.
Some products are hard to find unless you get lucky. But if your customers see an item that is not in your stock, we will wave our order minimum and ship you the product straight away. We know the value of having customers in your store and we are here to support your business because you support ours. See additional info: Customer Pick Up Program.
Featured items are more unusual but often the most culturally relevant. Look for more how-to play video alongside product detail (coming soon in 2015) and use this site to show demos to your customers. Dealer prices are only displayed if you log in.