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2015 Seattle World Rhythm Festival April 8-10

Family Day Friday! Noon-5 Youth performances and Community Drum Circles!

Our booth will be located next to the dance floor this year in the Fisher Pavillon. Come shop or get your drums tuned! The festival is FREE and offers 100's of workshops by leading teachers in the world ~ seriously awesome event. more



     drumSTRONG Seattle

Each year drumSTRONG communities gather in small and large groups around the world with a single focus ~ to BEAT cancer! drumSTRONG will rock again in May of 2016. We will not be facilitatating the event this year, but expect a strong return in 2017. Meanwhile, go to the drumSTRONG web site and participate!!!

DrumSTRONG Seattle is…

~ a community building rhythm-based event for everyone that has been affected by cancer

~ a worldwide coordinated event anchored by a 24 hour drum event in North Carolina - www.drumstrong.org

~ a donation driven fund raiser with 100% of local proceeds going to Seattle Children’s Hospital (make checks to Drums for Cures (a 501(3)(c) non-profit) ~your opportunity to play with a purpose – and put the disease on notice: WE will BEAT Cancer!

~ a fun, family friendly, facilitated event with drums provided or bring your own – and a chair too!


2016 NW Folklife May 27-30

Here's what to love this year!

The Rhythm Tent presents workshops and family friendly recreational drumming lead by some of the best facilitators in the region. Here's how it works: show up, sit down, play a drum (or bones, or a didgerdoo depending on the workshop), leave, come back, repeat! 

Rhythm Tent stage is presented by NW Folklife and SWPS (Seattle World Percussion Society) with workshop leaders, and drums provided (with NEW heads!) from the SWPS cache (did you know these are available for members to rent?). 

NO BOOTH! We are taking a break to enjoy the festival this year. See you there! Call or visit our store in Lake City for a selection of handmade, fair trade instruments from around the world.


Green Lake Jams

Flash Jams at Seattle's most popular park in the Summer months - sign up on twitter or Facebook or the Jamtown Newsletter for the heads-up! Family friendly, drums and chairs provided. Free.